Mon 27 Jan
SEXY SPaniSH HawaiiaN!! ----->> *»-( Er0TiC BARBiE ) »- ::♥:: RaRE FiND - 21
(San Gabriel Valley, off the 60 and 7th ave off the 605)
SEXY 36D RounD BooTiE SPaNiSH ----->> *»-( Er0TiC BARBiE ) »- ::♥:: RaRE FiND - 24
(San Gabriel Valley, Hacienda Heights off the 60)
Rosemead 💨💨💨💦💦💦6 4 6 — 6 2 3 — 2 4 6 3 ❤💋❤💋 JAPANESE BABY ❤💋💋❤💋💋❤💋💋❤❤💋💋❤💋💋❤💋 💦 ICE - 21
(Rosemead Incall 646-623-2463, San Gabriel Valley)
Sun 26 Jan
short stay and long stay azusa incall sps %100 real i can pic verify freaky fun w. the best greek friendly and trucker friendly
(Glendo La Puen Pasad Arcad)
Mon 13 Jan
SEXY 36D RounD BooTiE SPaNiSH ----->> *»-( Er0TiC BARBiE ) »- ::♥:: RaRE FiND - 24
(San Gabriel Valley, Hacienda Heights off the 60)
Sat 11 Jan
Fri 10 Jan
Tue 07 Jan
✔ 60 qq Rainy day Specials! ✔ guαrαntεεd 5 stars⭐pεrformαncε! ✔ 1OO% me ✔ Upscale Reviewed Provider - 21
(Pamona, west covina, rowland heights, San Gabriel Valley)
Mon 06 Jan
✔ 60 qq Rainy day Specials! ✔ guαrαntεεd 5 stars⭐pεrformαncε! ✔ 1OO% me ✔ Upscale Reviewed Provider - 21
(Pamona, west covina, rowland heights, San Gabriel Valley)
♡♥♡ HoT LaTiNa IsLanDeR GuRL ♡♥♡ Busty BiG BooTy 5☆★☆★☆ 2girLs AvailaBLe - 24
(San Gabriel Valley, Arcadia Monrovia 210/605)
Sun 05 Jan
♡♥♡ HoT LaTiNa IsLanDeR GuRL ♡♥♡ Busty BiG BooTy 5☆★☆★☆ 2girLs AvailaBLe - 24
(San Gabriel Valley, Arcadia Monrovia 210/605)
✔New Pixz ✔ AVAIℓABℓE Now ! ✔ guαrαntεεd 5 stars⭐pεrformαncε! ✔ 1OO% me ✔ Upscale Reviewed Provider - 21
(Pamona, west covina, rowland heights, San Gabriel Valley)
Fri 03 Jan