Fri 10 Jan
💦 PeRFeCT PLaTiNuM PLaYMaTe ‼️ NeW 👄✨ Visiting BlOnDe BuNNy! 💜 ✨ SpEciALs 💕 - 21
(San Gabriel Valley, 6O / 1O Fwy! Rosemead. Montebello ✨)
Tue 07 Jan
▄♬♥▄ AVAiLibLE wEN yU dEZiRE ♔♡ ℓαℓα ßαßy ♡♔ tHE fUN WiTh ME NEVER ENdS▄♥♬▄ - 19
(San Gabriel Valley, ♡ MoNtEbELLO (6o fWY))
Mon 06 Jan
█💖█ dA bADDESt, iLL bL💋💨W UR MiND! 👑•ℓαℓα ßαßy•👑 LEAViNG @9 PM' dNt MiSS OUt!█💖█ - 20
(San Gabriel Valley, ♡MONtEBELLO/6o fWY♡)
Sun 05 Jan
█💖█ dA bADDESt, iLL bL💋💨W UR MiND! 👑•ℓαℓα ßαßy•👑 LEAViNG @9 PM' dNt MiSS OUt!█💖█ - 20
(San Gabriel Valley, ♡MONtEBELLO/6o fWY♡)
Fri 03 Jan