Mon 27 Jan
SEXY SPaniSH HawaiiaN!! ----->> *»-( Er0TiC BARBiE ) »- ::♥:: RaRE FiND - 21
(San Gabriel Valley, off the 60 and 7th ave off the 605)
SEXY 36D RounD BooTiE SPaNiSH ----->> *»-( Er0TiC BARBiE ) »- ::♥:: RaRE FiND - 24
(San Gabriel Valley, Hacienda Heights off the 60)
Rosemead🍓Super Real Me or FREE💛 Amazon Premium Ebony Playmate🍒SAN GABRIEL BLVD🍭 - 21
(Off the 60 & San Gabriel *RoseMead*, San Gabriel Valley)
CUTE FACE 😉THICK WAIST⚠BIG BEHiNd Extreme Curves 🌀🌀💖💖Big BootY&Busty; Mixed 👅 Incall $pecials - 25
(San Gabriel Valley, san Gabriel off the 60)
Mon 13 Jan
SEXY 36D RounD BooTiE SPaNiSH ----->> *»-( Er0TiC BARBiE ) »- ::♥:: RaRE FiND - 24
(San Gabriel Valley, Hacienda Heights off the 60)
Sun 12 Jan
La puente🍓Super Real Me or FREE💛 Amazon Premium Ebony Playmate🍒HACIENDA HEIGHTS🍭 - 21
(Downtown, Los Angeles, Off the 60 & 7th Ave HACIENDA HEIGHTS, San Gabriel, San Gabriel Valley)
Sat 11 Jan
███████ █ █ █ ███████ ———— JUST 4 YOU ———— WELCOME TO PARADISE —— ███████ ☆ — 4 YOU - 24
(San Gabriel Valley, E LA/Monterey Park/El monte/Pico Rivera)
Fri 10 Jan
Wed 08 Jan
Tue 07 Jan
Rosemead🍓Super Real Me or FREE💛 Amazon Premium Ebony Playmate🍒SAN GABRIEL BLVD🍭 - 21
(Off the 60 & San Gabriel *RoseMead*, San Gabriel Valley)
★★❀ █ ▓ ☰▓ ▒ * ❤.•* T H E•▓ ▒ * ❤.•*P E R F E C T ▓ ▒ * ❤.•* C H O I C E ★★★ 🎀💋 ▄▀▄▀▄▀ 🎀 - 21 - 21
(San Gabriel Valley, Baldwin park/Azuza/San Grabriel/Rosemead)
--->> SPaNiSH *» BuSTY 36DD BiG BuTT-(¯MIXED BOMSHELL ♥¯) * »-♥ - 23
(San Gabriel Valley, incalls off the 60 and 605)
Available This Morning My Place or I Can come to You - 38
(San Gabriel Valley, Rosemead, just off the 60)
Available This Morning My Place or I Can come to You - 38
(San Gabriel Valley, Rosemead, just off the 60)
Mon 06 Jan
█ █ █ ██▒ █ █ █ ▒██ ✦██✦ ██▒ █ █ █ ▒██ — — VERY DELIGHTFUL — ██▒ █ █ █ ▒██ ✦██✦ ██▒ █ █ █ ▒██ — - 24
(San Gabriel Valley, E LA/Monterey Park/El monte/Pico Rivera)
███████☆★☆ Grand Opening —— —— ███████ —— —— ▐ ▐ ▐ —— —— JUST 4 YOU —— —— - 24
(San Gabriel Valley, E LA/Monterey Park/El monte/Pico Rivera)
ThE•▓ ▒ * ❤.•*PerFecT ▓ ▒ * ❤.•* CHOicE •▓ ▒ RarE ONE OF A KinD PlaymatE ▓ ▒ - 26
(San Gabriel Valley, off the 60 fwy)
CUTE FACE 😉THICK WAIST⚠BIG BEHiNd Extreme Curves 🌀🌀💖💖Big BootY&Busty; Mixed 👅 Incall $pecials - 25
(San Gabriel Valley, san Gabriel off the 60)
Sun 05 Jan
⬆ TOP 🌟 NoTcH 🐰 SnOwBuNnY 🎀 TiGhT 😻 KiTtY💥 MeSmEriZiNg CuRvEs 💦 HiGhLy ReViEwEd💋 - 24
(El Monte/Industry (605/60 Fwys), Long Beach, San Gabriel, San Gabriel Valley)
███████☆★☆ Summer Special —— —— ███████ —— —— ▐ ▐ ▐ —— —— JUST 4 YOU —— —— - 24
(San Gabriel Valley, E LA/Monterey Park/El monte/Pico Rivera)
NEW *PERFECT 1O ★* =*= 2 GiRLs 4 $180 _ (( SPANiSH / ASiAN GURL)) __ BIG A S S =*= ____NiCe BReasT_ - 21
(San Gabriel Valley, off the 60 and the 605 exit 7th ave)
NEW *PERFECT 1O ★* =*= 2 GiRLs 4 $180 _ (( SPANiSH / ASiAN GURL)) __ BIG A S S =*= ____NiCe BReasT_ - 21
(San Gabriel Valley, off the 60 and the 605 exit 7th ave)
SEXY ♡ CURVES, ♡ 34DD ♡I am Jenifer ♡♡♡ wed- sat 24 hrs service 100 roses donation - 28
(San Gabriel Valley, off the 60 Pomona Fwy exit San Gabriel)
Sat 04 Jan
ThE•▓ ▒ * ❤.•*PerFecT ▓ ▒ * ❤.•* CHOicE •▓ ▒ RarE ONE OF A KinD PlaymatE ▓ ▒ - 26
(San Gabriel Valley, off the 60 fwy)
--->> SPaNiSH *» BuSTY 36DD BiG BuTT-(¯MIXED BOMSHELL ♥¯) * »-♥ - 23
(San Gabriel Valley, incalls off the 60 and 605)
SEXY ♡ CURVES, ♡ 34DD ♡I am Jenifer ♡♡♡ wed- sat 24 hrs service 100 roses donation - 28
(San Gabriel Valley, off the 60 Pomona Fwy exit San Gabriel)
Fri 03 Jan
███████ █ █ █ ███████ ———— JUST 4 YOU ———— WELCOME TO PARADISE —— ███████ ☆ — 4 YOU - 24
(San Gabriel Valley, E LA/Monterey Park/El monte/Pico Rivera)
SEXY SPaniSH HawaiiaN!! ----->> *»-( Er0TiC BARBiE ) »- ::♥:: RaRE FiND - 21
(San Gabriel Valley, off the 60 and 7th ave off the 605)
⬆ToP NoTcH🐰 SnOwBuNnY🐰 MeSmEriZiNg💥 CuRvEs ✨MaGiC ✨💋MoUtH👅DriPpiN💦 - 24
(San Gabriel Valley, South El Monte/Industry/Rosemead)
Thu 02 Jan